
If you wish to enrol your child at the centre, booking a tour is your first step.

When a position has been confirmed, a bond (2 weeks of fees) will need to be paid to secure it and enrolment forms will be given to you to complete. You will also receive lots of information about the centre, including a Parent Handbook.

Settling into a child care setting can be difficult for some, while others adapt very easily. Here at Cressy Road Early Learning, we have a very flexible orientation process that aims to cater for all needs.

We recommend that before your child officially starts at the centre, you and your child come in for as many ‘play visits’ as you can. A play visit allows you to come and spend time at the centre with your child and get to know the educators and routines. During the play visit you will also get the opportunity to sit down and talk to the Room Leader on a one to one basis and discuss your child and what expectations you have for them and the centre. You will also be introduced to the other educators in the room.

We recommend the process of enrolment starts with a tour, we complete the enrolment paperwork and arrange an orientation meeting with your child’s room leader. Together book some play dates and then when your child starts, introduce them with shorter days and progressively increase the time they stay until they are attending the full hours you need.

The educators will do the following to help you and your child settle in:

  • One-to-one meeting with parent during orientation and play dates
  • Educators available during play visits so that your child can start building a relationship
  • Send pictures to you via ONWA (our centres app)
  • Verbal feedback at the end of each day
  • Ongoing email/phone/ONWA messages and pictures to update on progress

Contact us with questions or book a tour online.

Book a tour

If you would like to book a tour of Cressy Road Early Learning, please fill out and submit the following:

Waiting List Form

If you wish to join our waiting list, please fill out the application below and return to us (please note that application forms will not be processed until a $10 administration fee has been paid).

Join the Wait List

Cressy Road Early Learning Ryde

16-18 Cressy Road, Ryde
NSW 2112

Email Enquiries
Phone: 02 9807 1726
Opening Hours: Mon-Fri 7am-6pm